We asked the candidates in the upcoming election on the fate of the Park Board if they become MLA. The election finishes up this Saturday, and we will be publishing their answers on Thursday, regardless if they answer or not. Here’s what we sent:
Dear provincial candidate:
The future of Vancouver’s democratically elected Park Board is of key concern in this provincial election. This issue has been raised at many all candidate meetings and petitions signed by hundreds of voters, in response to possible Vancouver Charter amendments by the Province, to abolish the elected Park Board. The proposal to change the Vancouver Charter to eliminate the elected board has no mandate from the 170,000 people who voted for the 7 Vancouver Park Board commisioners, in the last civic election.
We ask the following question to provincial candidates running for office :
If elected as an MLA, will you commit to not vote in favour of any charter changes that would eliminate Vancouver’s elected Park Board prior to the next municipal election.